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国际教育学院学术报告《Fundamental engineering in Micromechanics》Alexey Tirtichny

【来源:国际教育学院学术报告《Fundamental engineering in Micromechanics》Alexey Tirtichny | 发布日期:2021-05-24 】


报告题目:Fundamental  engineering in  Micromechanics

报告人:圣彼得堡国立航空航天大学博士 Alexey Tirtichny

报告时间:2021年5月29日   时间15:00

地址:微软Teams https://teams.live.com/meet/94155393256749,请提前下载软件,并在浏览器中打开链接)


Engineering is the practical endeavor in which the tools of mathematics and science are applied to develop cost-effective solutions to the technological problems facing our society. This lecture will introduce design process, overview of micromechanical gyroscopes and general principles of engineering. Moreover, micromechanics play a key role in the prediction of the local and overall behavior of masonry with or without accounting for interface behavior and damage in different components.







Alexey Tirtichny,圣彼得堡国立航空航天大学博士。研究方向:使用3D打印技术生产微机械传感器,微机械惯性自振式传感器的理论基础和结构-运动学方案。